you're not playing ball (with us) 意味

  • 《口語》 君は(私たちに)協力しようとしない


        you're:    【発音】ju'э(r)、【@】ユア -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you are の縮約形
        you're not watching where you're going!:    you're not watching where you're going! 前方不注意 ぜんぽうふちゅうい
        the ball is with you:     The báll is with yóu [in your cóurt] ((略式))さあ,君の番だ.《◆他の人称についても使える》.
        anytime you're ready:     ánytime you're réady. いつでもいいよ《◆「あとは君の準備のでき次第」の意で,遠回しに相手の準備を促す表現》.
        if you're against the plan:    もしそのプランに反対ならば
        if you're bitten on the arm:    腕をかまれた場合{ばあい}は
        if you're interested:    もし興味{きょうみ}があるなら
        if you're not careful:    注意{ちゅうい}しなければ
        if you're not christian:    クリスチャンではない人でも
        if you're really fash,:    最新{さいしん}の物[方法{ほうほう}]がお好みなら
        if you're single:    独身{どくしん}だと[なら]
        now you're talking:     Nów yòu're tálking. ((略式))[同意?励ましを表して] それはいい,なかなかいいことを言う;そうこなくちゃ,それで決り.
        papa, you're crazy:    {著作} : パパ?ユーア?クレイジー◆米1957《著》ウィリアム?サローヤン(William Saroyan)
        what you're doing:    現在の活動
        whenever you're ready:    いつでもどうぞ、こっちは準備{じゅんび}オーケー◆二人でやることについて「こちらはオーケーなので、そちらが準備できたらいつでも始めてください」


  1. "you're not allowed to hawk merchandise in this place"の英語
  2. "you're not being absolutely straight with me, i think"の英語
  3. "you're not carrying any weapons concealed about your person, are you"の英語
  4. "you're not doing a story about me, are you"の英語
  5. "you're not doing anybody a favor by being late"の英語
  6. "you're not the first man to lose his head over a woman"の英語
  7. "you're not watching where you're going!"の英語
  8. "you're old enough to stand on your own legs"の英語
  9. "you're on camera"の英語
  10. "you're not doing a story about me, are you"の英語
  11. "you're not doing anybody a favor by being late"の英語
  12. "you're not the first man to lose his head over a woman"の英語
  13. "you're not watching where you're going!"の英語

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